Vetted and Certified
Depth of Expertise
Founded on March 2, 2010, eTrepid's has since grown to obtain advanced certifications that meet stringent requirements to prove the highest standards of technical expertise, service delivery, and support.
- Rigorous third-party audit validation to meet highest standards of expertise
- Proven planning, execution, financial stability, and skillset
- Certificated Veteran-Owned Small Business, CompTIA Security Trustmark+, CompTIA Managed Services Trustmark, HIPAA Seal of Compliance, Direct Microsoft Partner
What is eTrepid?
Rooted in the CEO’s U.S. Navy heritage and enhanced by the Latin learned while in school, the name eTrepid was created with meaning and connects to the company’s core principles. It’s how the team approaches your IT.
e is Latin for "Exclude" + "Fearful" = "No Fear"
When you are of clear mind and able to make well informed decisions you have a greater chance of achieving desired outcomes. This eliminates fear. By empowering business to compute with clarity eTrepid virtually eliminate the fears associated with computing. When your provider is built on a foundation of service and proactive preparedness, you should be without fear, without trepidation.
Empowering Business to Compute with Clarity
This comes from and ties directly to our mission and core values. Sir Francis Bacon said “Knowledge is Power” and Hyrum Smith said “Wisdom is Knowledge Rightly applied”. If one is well informed, they can be of clear mind and make informed decisions. Clarity is empowerment.